Making The Most Of Messaging

A multi-media marketing campaign is a powerful strategy that combines diverse channels and formats to amplify your message and reach a broader audience.  By leveraging platforms like social media, email, print, and video, businesses engage with different demographics, reinforce brand recognition, and ensure the message resonates across various touchpoints —all while creating a cohesive and impactful brand presence.

Special Event - Luncheon

Special events require several pieces of matching content.
Marketing Collaterial: Event invitations with envelopes, RSVP cards with envelopes, social media event thumbnails, event programs, materials for television media, social media posts, website feature, newsletter features, event photography
* Headshot (black suit) was provided by the honoree

Special Event - Luncheon

Special events require several pieces of matching content.
Marketing Collaterial: Event invitations with envelopes, RSVP cards with envelopes, social media event thumbnails, event programs, materials for television media, social media posts, website feature, newsletter features, event photography
* Headshot (gold) was provided by the honoree

Special Event - Luncheon

Special events require several pieces of matching content.
Marketing Collaterial: Event invitations with envelopes, RSVP cards with envelopes, social media event thumbnails, event programs, materials for television media, social media posts, website feature, newsletter features, event photography
* Headshot (black/white) was provided by the honoree

Volunteer Award Event

Special events require several pieces of matching content.
Marketing Collaterial: Digital and printed invitations, envelopes, flyers, ad copy for magazine, social media event thumbnails, social media posts, website feature, newsletter features, event photography

Fundraising Event

Special events require several pieces of matching content.
Marketing Collaterial: New logo, stationary, social media event thumbnails, social media posts, contest tickets, website feature, newsletter features, event photography (branded)

Fundraising Event

Special events require several pieces of matching content.
Marketing Collaterial: Updated logo, stationary, rack cards, social media event thumbnails, social media posts, website feature, newsletter features, event photography (branded)

Political Campaign

Special events require several pieces of matching content.
Marketing Collaterial: Promotional signs (various sizes), logo, social media banner, social media posts, rack cards
* Photos provided by the candidate, edited by Jenn

Holiday Event

Special events require several pieces of matching content.
Marketing Collaterial: Logo creation, banners, yard-signs, posters, flyers, vouchers, social media event thumbnails, social media posts, social media advertising (paid), television advertisment, television public service announcements, press-releases/coverage, website feature, newsletter features, event photography

Themed Events

This organization needed to differenciate one group of activities from another, as a subset of offerings were open to the general public. Therefore, the branding of these activities were branded with a recognizable style, and communication plan to educate members of their uniqueness.
Marketing Collaterial: Logo design, social media event thumbnails, social media posts, website feature, newsletter feature, SMS
*The Scout Night Logo and final images seen here were designed by Jenn using stock photos provided by the named coorporation

Integrety matters: All of the material on this page was created and implemented by Jenn unless noted otherwise.